Soulstar Astrology
October 11 2007
New Moon Data EST
New Moon October 11th 1:02 AM EST
Full Moon October 26th 12:53 PM
Dark Moon begins November 6th
Next new Moon November 9th 6:04 AM
Mercury retrograde October 12th 12:01 AM
Mercury direct November 1st 7:23 PM
Scorpio ingress October 23rd 3:16 PM


The following description merges astrophysical data at the moment of new Moon with archetypal patterns garnered from astrological correlations which are then harmonized with the premise that Creator's infinite perfection is first, has been first and always will be first. All is perfection.

To access the opportunities of new Moon energy we must be clear about being our own authority. Our own healing and awakening occurs through self responsibility. There are things we have to do for ourselves, no one else can take our hand and fix certain things. These things are set-ups designed to show us our power to balance and harmonize our living dynamics by accepting them as our creations. The part of us who is absolutely clear that we create our own reality, who knows that life is a mirror, is the part of who we are which can ride this rainbow of energy with willful expression, holding frequency intention enthusiastically and joyously through to manifestation. Our sense of magnified self acceptance will serve us well during a new Moon phase.

What is the significance of a new Moon?

Astrologically we can conceive of the Sun as correlating with our will and the Moon as correlating with our reflected self. The will and Sun exist within an expanded moment, the Moon exists within time space corridors of experience. The Sun includes the Moon within it’s expanded moment experience as it includes all our local solar system bodies within it’s experience. From the Earth’s perspective the Sun and Moon come together on moments of new Moon and so we experience the new Moon as a merging of the will with the reflected self. The external world of time space cannot tell us who we are, it does however reflect back to us who we think we are. The Sun and Moon correlate with our relationship dramas where our human incarnation experience is likened to a play. The Earth as the world stage allows us to experience relationship as if we are separate beings and yet the will ultimately knows separation as a local custom within a time space realm holographically facilitated by Sun Earth and Moon. From this understanding of Sun Earth and Moon we can qualify the significance of the new Moon as follows:

(1) The new Moon is a time to strengthen and reaffirm our will.
(2) It is a time to chart responsibility within the time space realm of the reflected self.
(3) New Moon is a return to the light, a return to the expanded moment of the will.
(4) The new Moon symbolically gives us access to an imaginary denial reset button.
(5) It’s a time to reinvent the self image, to adjust our approach and style as to how we participate in a cosmic separation scenario.
(6) It is a time to acknowledge and value our relationship experiences.
(7) The new Moon is a time to bring clarity to our role in the relationship dynamics we have created for ourselves.

New Moon Description October 11 2007

01 By paying attention to our health, feelings, and emotions our body's opinion of our self concept is shown to us. Through relationship dramas we express our creativity while experiencing our body’s opinion. We evolve by taking ownership of these experiences.

02 Relationship harmony as a priority challenges patterns of thinking which place personal foundation above relationship. Personal foundation and relationship harmony find common ground in how we share our values with one another. Mutual control over shared resources marks a harmonious and healthy relationship.

03 Separation Paradigm -This phrase refers to beliefs which accept our human existence as a Darwinistic evolutionary existence. This particular theory of evolution paints individuals as being separate from one another. It supports underlining beliefs which imply that the solid world is the only true real world and accepts the credo “survival of the fittest”.

04 As deep held notions rise to the surface in the form of relationship control we are quick to admit where we have personally been apart of this historic paradigm by simply paying attention to where and how our emotions and feelings lead us to our own mental rationalizations. Constant joy is available, even in the midst of relationship trauma. By simply admitting that we have been habitually or automatically thinking as is we are separate during relating experiences we immediately get to the common denominator driving any relationship issue. The truth of relationship is very close, it’s in our body. In the body our feelings are paralleling our thoughts, happy feelings parallel happy thoughts as fear parallels fearful thoughts. When we upgrade our awareness we give our body a new thought library to work with. Our attitude shifts with our inner bio chemistry. Our potential to evolve a reoccurring difficult experience into a more joyful one occurs when we have a new way to consider our feelings and emotions.

05 As always we want to see opportunity in whatever is occurring and defining our experience, including any mayhem we have attracted to ourselves. When feeling overly sensitive about professional reputation we can choose to see the set-up and opportunity by moving active analytical attention to personal responsibilities and the details which these responsibilities encapsulate.

06 We may be challenged to make some sort of adjustment in our relationship situation in order that a thinking pattern can be broken down and a blissful compassionate feeling can be allowed to enter into our experience. When the analytical mind is allowed to be metaphoric in it’s reasoning, new vistas of truth are allowed into our feeling and companionate considerations. By sharing property with another we exercise trust and courage. Expectation and assumption can also occur as the result of sharing property. If concerns become materialistically specific it suggests a waning of trust. False control can be used to hide panic as a result of believing that trust has waned while expectation has grown.

07 When all else fails health issues can be counted on to get our attention. Collisions, between cultural paradigms which imply that the solid world is the only real world and spiritual paradigms which imply all is connected, when left unresolved by the individual will eventually show up in the body as health issues. Artifacts of the separation paradigm exist in our governments, educational programs, and in much of our health industries. As our concept of what is reality expands we must accept the challenge to revolutionize our own personal beliefs. When our personal health becomes an issue we, as individuals, have to choose a course of action in order to bring our health back into harmony. Pursuing personal health shifts our attention challenging an otherwise unchallenged opinion structure, an opinion structure which was personally lived with for some time. Personal paradigm collisions will parallel social paradigm collisions. Our body, as a Gaia family member, may well be involved in a rebirth or grand awakening plan. If this is so it benefits the individual to be aware that such a program is in place and active. Cover-ups designed to protect the separation paradigm can be shocking when exposed. A complete shifting of authority will destroy many established institutions. Are we ready for such a revolution?

08 We want to flesh out false relationship control, no matter which side of an issue we are personally on. Darwinist separation gives credence to the actions of those who are enamored by the apparent solid world. Relationship models, or relationship behavior, based on underlining psychological beliefs of separation and survival of the fittest, collide with spiritual harmony and paganistic understandings of symbiotic creature-hood.

09 Having inherited a culture founded on a separation paradigm we come face to face with a history of well intended actions which no matter how well intended cannot survive the current consciousness evolution. Our personal healing and admission process leads us to unconscious beliefs which were setup for us through relationships with those who truly loved and cared for us. Because we identify these nurturing relationships with a security which was necessary from the perspective of survival in a world defined by a separation paradigm we hold a certain allegiance to these beliefs.

10 Libra entrepreneurs have a natural affiliation with mothering and sensitivity. When it comes to Libra founded energy this accent on sensitivity surfaces in career matters and the personal reputation which is associated with career. By showing sensitivity they demonstrate their intention to be a valuable person to relate to on a professional level. Their natural way of being nurturing while on the job shows up in their spontaneous creativity.

11 Pleasant interchanges between the business entrepreneur and their clientele occur when the proprietor takes the lead by sharing well thought out ideas making their customers feel a little nurtured. Entrepreneurs who can show their sensitive mothering side assist their business by keeping the mental direction of their customer’s concerns grounded and practical. Good energy for building professional reputation as long as the business person can avoid becoming blinded by their enthusiasm and end up intensifying energy exchanges between colleagues distracting themselves from the public. If a business person feels the residue of a personal wounding associated with their nurturing energy it can indeed distract them from sharing such energy now through their work. They will instead move the energy by sharing an analytical opinion with another.

12 The relationship concerned individual takes the high road by applying their attention to another’s self interest as opposed to appealing to another’s gratitude. Gratitude can be a bit of a wild card and functionally unpredictable for the keen relationship minded. Better to mind another’s self interest, especially in business matters, if a relating situation is to be contracted.

13 Unsure of their professional reputation, a Libra individual can become emotionally sensitive. When career issues emerge, Libra energy can be emotionally distraught their sensitivity displayed to others as they are concerned about their professional reputation. The difference between mother power and power mothering becomes apparent to those on the receiving end. Unresolved work related issues can set the mind on a seemingly endless task of analyzing and making sense of whatever the current issue is. Refusing to expand analytical objectivity their creativity can turn on them. The opportunity is apparent in how their sensitivity fleshes out any self doubt through public displays of personal vulnerability. Resolution comes through a realistic understanding of how society is structured upon allowing of individuality within a collective cooperative union. The Libra who can objectively locate the parallel between socially shared issues and their own sensitivity while remaining completely objective will open up a treasure chest of career opportunity. Libra energy evolves when they take complete ownership of issues related to their public reputation. From a place of impeccable objectivity they discover new mind frontiers as the reward for accepting and owning work related dilemmas.

14 Relationships are analyzed such that a cleaning up of responsibilities can be achieved. Analyzing relationship situations brings secrets to the surface where hidden concerns are prompted to be resolved. On the surface of a relationship scenario talk is easy. A deeper meaning is accessible when priority to harmonious unconditional acceptance is given attention. A personal evolution and spiritual maturing brings redundancy to beliefs about relating experiences. Thinking and analyzing as a private matter is indicative of private beliefs and notions. A discovery of particular beliefs and notions which have historically assumed the nature of relating through an assumed generalized definition is at hand. Relationship considerations when viewed from the perspective of thought can be identified by their seeding belief. Automatic thought when witnessed as cyclic begins to reveal where beliefs about relating substituted for the truth of humanities all encompassing unity.

15 The only true control in a harmonious relationship comes from mutual trust. We know when we have this type of control/trust because we are genuine in our allowing and playfulness. On the other hand when someone is controlling in a negative sense they are not really controlling, they are actually panicking. This panic is due to a loss of connection with their creative inner child energy, and shows up as a loss of trust in a relationship

16 Cooperation between individuals who work within infrastructures which depend upon the validity of a separation paradigm become increasingly difficult. When cover-ups are exposed and the truth revealed to an unaware public the momentum of an impending revolution increases. Cover-ups which depend upon relationship integrity in the form of agreed upon secrecy will experience more unexpected challenges exposing their hidden agendas.

17 Humanities great awakening issues the call for a re-evaluation of the paradigms and beliefs which define our relating experiences. When emotional dilemmas are triggered by relating experiences we want to remember that we are all connected, that it is an illusion that we are separate. Playing the game of separation has engulfed culture in a time space human experience where the solid world is assumed to be the only real world worth considering. Separation based paradigms have been setups for us, we have inherited models for relating which are becoming less and less functional in today’s accelerated consciousness evolution.

18 Many relationships, including business relationships, will be challenged to break down false control patterns. Any resistance to do so can cause unexpected emotional reactions where the typical “in control” business person begins to move an exaggerated amount of emotional energy

19 Gaia, as the true source of human security, is what relating couples ultimately seek in their sharing. Our most comforting and rewarding relationship is our relationship with Gaia. You can choose to guide your thinking mind to Gaia goddess energy and allow the mind to tune into her priority. Aligning her priority with our own we come to terms with self concepts which may not fit into an evolving affiliation with her. From a place where personal thoughts and Gaia thoughts find common footing we feel and integrate a refining purification process which purifies and harmonizes our sense of personal reputation. If it is your choice to do so you can tell her, Gaia, that you are employed by Spirit.

20 When emotional sensitivity is triggered it is up to us as individuals to remain impeccable in our admission. We in a sense, can enjoy the show. Doing so will enable our nonchalance and connect us with deeper currents of unconditional compassion, a compassion which is blooming and ripening in our shared world of relating and loving. Through heightened emotional sensitivity and the expression of this energy we will draw upon and resurrect buried beliefs, activating them through our actions. We get to see deep buried patterns as they become apparent through our ego’s world experience.

21 Strength and flexibility meet in the form of rationalizations and opinions. Bold assertions of rationalized opinion in the form of nurturing or mothering bring out hidden yearnings for nurturing which reflect such amplified sensitivity. Misguided logic which affected past and still unresolved relationship trauma returns to be made right. If denial and lack of ownership regarding old relationship hurts is not admitted a current relating experience could be affected. The paralleling will be obvious once the individual is able to objectively see similarity in otherwise totally isolated experiences.

22 Our own personal inner humanitarian breaks free from control paradigms and rides upon an enriched compassionate wave of good intention. Teams rally in order to set things right and give truth a place to move. Our body’s own innate intelligence is aware of species interconnection. Our Spirit and Soul also are aware of human interconnection. Our ego self may be the last frontier of the separation paradigm and it is our ego self which selects the mentality we choose when comprehending relating experiences. The emotions are in cahoots with our feelings, our body’s innate intelligence is in cahoots with Spirit. Where does that leave the mental ego self?

23 (The following description assumes that you create your own reality.) The phase “false control paradigms” refers to a misunderstanding of what being controlling means. We typically say someone is controlling when they are aggressive, intimidating, or behave in a manipulative way. Their behavior is considered pushy. It’s as if they are pushing for a selfish experience while being less concerned for others. It is when someone who appears to have more power in a situation than another says “it’s my way or the highway”. From the light of knowing you create your own reality the control is false. The person who accepts their encounter with a so called controlling person as their creation will no longer see this person as their authority. If it wasn’t that person controlling them it would be another. The fact that someone is being pushed around becomes all about the person being pushed as opposed to the person doing the pushing. Taking ownership of creating being pushed around shifts one’s attention to “this is interesting I have created for myself the experience of being pushed around.” Now the situation is being valued for what it has allowed the person to feel. The feeling of being pushed around is valuable, why? Because it is indicating a paradigm bought into, a belief which was accepted as fact. Our body charges hormones and enzymes allowing us to register the feeling reaction associated with the experience of being pushed around. By the quality of this feeling, of being pushed around, we can see that both our body and spirit have a different opinion than the opinion our ego has blindly accepted. In other words the person is choosing being pushed around, being controlled is their chosen experience. The situation is valuable because it shows the person what they are really choosing as opposed to what the ego would have them think they were choosing. Accepting what is implies an objective discerning clarity about reality and our place in it, as opposed to a subjective judgmental call where another is blamed. It means admitting and owning our self opinion. The person who was doing the controlling is no longer seen as controlling as they too are most likely being setup beyond their ego’s awareness. In fact as you are now being objective you can feel that the so called controlling person is not controlling at all. They may, for example, qualify their aggressive behavior by giving themselves an accolade for their skill at entering action with boldness. Or they may be over enthusiastic about something and naive as to how their energy hits another. Remaining objective you can feel whether or not the aggressive person who chooses to enter action with boldness is actually panicking. Is it possible their so called controlling actions are a habitual pattern used to manage their own desperation, used to manage their own denial? Managing panic is not control, nor is aggressive enthusiasm. So what is control? Control is remembering that you are creating your own experience, accepting what you are controlling. Such control is evident by the way you are able to read between the lines, see what the ego previously could not. Real control comes from self acceptance, self trust, and self love, it comes from remembering your connection with creation and honoring your personal creative power. Real control is using your feelings from an objective witnessing standpoint to give you a detailed holographic read on a drama. Control comes from the awareness of how personal creativity works.

24 Couple relationships intentionally on display for the public to see tie into reputation concerns for the individuals which make up the couple. A need to maintain control of their public image means cooperation between partners. As relationship dynamics change, concern over public image can fuel issues and dramas within such a partnership. The quality of how and what appreciation means thus gets fleshed out.

25 An unexpected romantic break up triggers unusual behavior, typical social protocols are forgotten in the fog of personal confusion. Making sense of one’s self admiration following a split brings up feelings of love lost, being reminded of past things such as the lost of a childhood puppy or being left out of a grade school clique. Any past unresolved pain left unhealed calls attention to the quality of one’s self acceptance and how it was falsely understood through a current broken relationship.

26 As the person who feels controlled owns their part in such a relationship drama from the perspective that they are attracting the dynamic themselves their admission and ownership allows objectivity to prevail. The role of the other so called controlling person can thus be know from another perspective. Here are some possible alternative perspectives and scenarios which may describe the so called controlling person. These are to be taken as examples:

They are naive as to the affect their enthusiasm has on others.
They like to enter their relating situations aggressively and dynamically as this has been a proven approach to problem solving.
They are believing that their security is threaten.
They are avoiding an interaction which they fear will expose something they would rather keep hidden.
Their behavior is a result of a habit pattern they have developed which from their perspective is effective at getting things done.
They are intensely focused on accomplishing some task.

27 Separation paradigms define relationship falsely. In an attempt to maintain the structure of a separation paradigm and to keep it functional the individual who believes within such a paradigm will attempt to control relationship dynamics. In their terms it will not be control because they are thinking/rationalizing as if we are all separate, they will be oblivious to their use of control within their relating experiences. Their version of freedom and allowing, their version of showing appreciation, will have them and others not feeling authentic harmony. As long as security through solid world abundance is in place they feel confident and safe. If separation is false, if the solid world is not solid, if all is energy/frequency, then they are in for some emotional roller-coaster rides. Our part in any relating experience will be qualified mentally the moment we consider the relating experience. The quality of awareness is show to us by our body’s feeling reactions which parallels our emotional focus. If we have any buried separation type beliefs we want them to come to the surface so we can reconcile them and expand our capacity to experience love. Our discombobulated mental concepts held by the ego will parallel our emotion and feelings which will parallel our relationship scenarios. When we value such a relationship experience for what it allows us to feel we can get on with the business of resurrecting the awaken human, we can get on with our own auspicious intention to break down all separation paradigms and get right with the joy of our own spirit expression through human form

28 The individual within a relationship possesses a style for demonstrating flexibility and a style for demonstrating strength and firmness. The harmony between strength and flexibility enlivens creativity within a relationship. These relationship characters coming together now will reveal where congruency and harmony exist in relating and where it does not.

29 When our self confidence is independent from the opinions of others our emotional read on a relating situation remains objective. We value the opinions of others while remaining inwardly clear about our own personal sovereignty. Work, career, and professional situations bring people together setting up relating experiences. Certain agreed upon protocols may be assumed unknowingly. Choosing discernment over judgement implies self respect. Naturally our self respect expands to include those we immediately encounter through our work. Inner panic and self doubt can be felt even when it is pasted over by friendly words and a smile. Our kindness and consideration are natural dispositions, by-products of our self acceptance and self knowing. We do not have to prove anything. Our prudent approach to business relationships benefits ourselves and those we professionally engage. Control over solid world resources is allowed as each participate and agrees on some level to the experience. Being informed as to the nature of reality and the nature of energy we can feel such control as an attempt to manage survival issues and panic. Self doubt acted out in business relationships can lead to exaggerated actions where gratitude seeking distracts an otherwise objective business mind. Being clear that each individual is connected to source and is creating their own experiences we naturally honor them and what ever lessons they may be setting up for themselves. Those who take advantage of such naivety when it is perceived in others have their own lesson to figure out, all is allowed. It is for us to take care of ourselves. In taking care of ourselves we will be naturally kind and appropriate simply because it feels harmonious.

30 We can choose to share energy and intention with others etherically. In situations where a relationship which is valued by an individual is currently non functional in terms of communication we can choose to send our love ethuric communications. We can s-message them (spirit-message) in our moments of remembering to love ourselves. We can send them solutions which we feel they can not currently receive from us verbally. This works well with parents who have a deep connection with their children or vise versa. We also want to take the time to consider our personal priorities from our spirit and body’s perspective as opposed to expecting our ego to do and know everything.

01 There is no one who controls me except me. As a sovereign being I am remembering the creative power of my will while experiencing in a time space reflected world.

02 I have discovered how to transform painful situations into opportunities for awakening.

03 I accept the actions of others as they seek to experience the expressions of their own emotional sensitivity.

04 I witness the correlation between my thoughts and the dynamic actions of my body’s hormones.

05 I am loved and provided for by Earth and Sky.

06 I carry great gifts of healing power and allow Creator to requisition these such that others may benefit.

07 I am taking action now to get my product and service out to the public.

08 I value my relationships for what they allow me to experience.

09 I am considering my current relationship dramas and resetting by self definition where appropriate.

10 I see myself where I prefer to be in my business relationships.

11 I have complete control over my relationship dramas simply by admitting how they reflect back to me who I pretend I am.

12 I accept past family interactions as indicators as to where my responsibilities lie.

13 My body and my emotional self give me the scoop on the quality of the paradigms I agree to participate within. I can feel the effect of believing in a separation paradigm and I can feel the presence of harmonious symbiosis.

14 I enjoy relationships where individual mindedness is accepted and supported.

15 I take advantage of this new Moon moment to anticipate a passionate encounter.

16 All who I relate with feel the respect and honor I have for them.

17 I allow my body to inform me when something is not right for me. I agree to listen while maintaining an objective admitting perspective.

18 I am enjoying the energy acceleration and personal awakening I am experiencing. I am ready for more.

19 My enthusiasm is intellectually independent.

20 My personal health is assured because I am trusting my creativity.

William Oulton
October 8 2007

November 9 2007 6:04 PM (EST)
December 9 2007 12:41 PM (EST)
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